Inspired by a deck of cards

Posted on by Ari Bader-Natal

Viewing sketches created by people in the Studio was always possible, but wasn’t pretty or easy. Here’s what you had to work with:

In stark contrast to this, I have a beautiful little deck of cards sitting on my desk at home, with each card featuring a colorful snippet of a canvas created in the sketchpad studios. When the deck first arrived, I spread the cards out on a table to get the full effect:

Looking at the table that afternoon, it was pretty clear that these cards offered a glimpse into the studio that was much better than what I was currently displaying online. So when I finally started to redesign the studio, I used these cards as inspiration. Like any renovation, everything started smoothly but then began to drag. Fast forward a few months, and today I find myself with a free afternoon and an itch to ship. The result? Here’s what you’ll see in the public studio:

This layout works particularly well from displaying the set of all sketches cloned-and-modified from some template sketch:

I’m excited about the new look, and I hope you like it, too. I’m going to order a new box of mini-cards to celebrate!

Zach Denton wrote on August 12, 2011
You did a great job on the redesign. Very nice!