Fork it, fix it, report back

Posted on by Ari Bader-Natal

Andrzej Koper created a new sketch on Sketchpad today, and included a question and a bug report in a comment in the header.

//    CircleSeq
//    by: Andrzej Koper
//    click to make new circles
//    press any key to reset
//    a bug: if you wait long enough some circles will intersect
//    ... I have no idea why that happens
//    a question: how to prevent from creating circle in circle?

<iframe id='ifr' width='400' height='335' scrolling='no' style='background: url(// no-repeat center 60px;' src='//'></iframe>

Think you have an answer? Have an idea for about avoiding intersecting circles? Click on the “clone” link in the canvas footer, and you’re on your way. If you come up with an interesting variation, please report back with links to your modifications. I’ll share them with Andrzej.

Christopher Cotton wrote on November 20, 2010
I moved some of the checking to see if the circles intersected to a method on the Ring called, "nearMe". Before creating a new Ring, it now checks to see if the mouse is near any rings. I never saw the rings intersect, so I'm not sure what is causing that.