Teaching with Sketchpad

If you teach workshops or classes with Processing, and are interested to try out Sketchpad with your students, get in touch to request a studio. I'd be happy to offer suggestions, connect you with others who have tried this in their classes, give you a guided tour, or simply answer your questions.

Canvas found in the studio gallery of a recent workshop that used Sketchpad:
Código de la imagen: visualización de datos con Processing.org

I'm starting to compile a list of interesting and meaningful ways that people have incorporated Sketchpad into classes. Some of these are from my own teaching experiences with Sketchpad, and many were contributed by others. If you have had success with techniques that I haven't listed below, please let me know and I'll add them to the list.

I think of https://studio.sketchpad.cc as an open studio. If you're teaching a class or workshop, you may like this model but need a bit more control over the experience. If so, you may want to looking into setting up your own sketchpad studio.

Some of courses & workshops that have used Sketchpad:
If you are interested in teaching with Sketchpad,
please get in touch!


Ari Bader-Natal